What happens when you merge one of the world's largest ships with the boldest thrills of the sea? An electrifying, gravity-defying, gravity-breaking expedition is created on Harmony of the Seas, setting a new standard for family vacations. From features never before seen on the high seas to favorites we all know and love, there are countless ways to create memories onboard: from the tallest slide at sea, the Ultimate Abyss, to deck-defying acrobatics in the AquaTheater, and the robot in the Bionic Bar. Not to mention dazzling Broadway performances and world-class dining experiences ranging from Asia to the Mediterranean and beyond.
聖馬丁是位於加勒比海東北部的一個島嶼,大約在波多黎各東邊300公里處。它是兩個國家分治的最小的有人居住的海島,分治的歷史可以追溯到1648年。南部的荷蘭區域包括荷屬聖馬丁,是組成荷蘭王國的四個構成國之一。北部的法國區域包括聖馬丁集體(Collectivité de Saint-Martin),是法國的海外集體。